
Heritage Living Center



ArtAge Publications, the source of Senior Theatre plays, books, and materials for older performers is accepting submissions for their 2018-19 catalogs. Meeting the needs of older performers, from amateur to professional, there is something for everyone–from short and easy sketches to 3-act musicals.

What to submit: The Senior Theatre collection features plays and musicals of all lengths, but short shows, which run up to 20 minutes, are the most popular. Directors look for comedies with mainly female casts that require few technical elements and ones that can be staged as readers’ theatre. Successfully performed shows have senior casts (or mostly senior) with up-to-date, feisty characters in current situations. Roles should challenge performers, yet be fun to stage.

Learn more by attending the Writing Plays for Senior Theatre Discussion Group. Discover how to craft shows that directors and actors will use. Attend on Wednesday, April 12 at 2PM Pacific Time. It’s easy. Click here to sign up. You’ll receive an 800 number and an access code. Call in at the scheduled time to join a stimulating discussion. Don’t worry if you can’t attend, we can send a link to the recording of the session.

The ArtAge collection features over 400 plays, books, and materials from 130 playwrights and authors. Last year there were 740 performances of plays in the ArtAge collection.

ArtAge reaches out the field with an 9000-name mailing list, the most comprehensive website (#1 in Google), and an e-newsletter that is regularly sent to 3900+ worldwide performing groups’ directors, actors, and Senior Theatre lovers. In a survey to ArtAge’s playwrights:
• 95% are satisfied with ArtAge,
• 95% say that ArtAge is responsive to their needs, and
• 92% give high ratings to ArtAge’s marketing.

To learn more about the field and the Senior Theatre Resource Center, review the catalog and read Writing Plays for Senior Theatre, an e-document available on the website. Click here for the Writers’ Guidelines with complete submission information. Let us know your questions.

We look forward to reading your work!

Deadline: June 15, 2017

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